The Syndicate motorcycle club was founded in 2000 of nov when a group of inmates at the wayne county jail shared intrest in motorcycles.The head of the club also known as Cross came up with his own idea for a club after spending years in the Outcast motorcycle club,There he saw how to operate as a president and also learned the do's an dont's of how things went.Shortly after his release he started to make his dream a reality,He recruited more members on the streets and later started getting bikes from local dealerships and handing them down to members who didn't have them.The idea cross had and still do is for every man in the club to be happy and to make sure every one got a piece of proceeds.Along with this club came rules and laws and one of the rules is that every one is to pay dues to the club for things such as evictions,groceries,members incarcerated and things along that line.Another reason the club was formed is cause it was time for somthing new in his eyes.No one in this club backs down meaning it was also sat into motion that NO RETREAT NO SURRENDER became there own pesonal montra.There was also an intellegece group as well as a response team added to the club which consist of members in the club known and unknown hand picked by leaders .The club is largly made up of a slew of diffrent gangs and races  with only a hand full of leadership  consisting of  the president,vice president,secretary,treasurer,sergant at arms,club enforcers and a few captains.The syndicate m/c is an independent club and relys on no one except the club and the club only. In order to join the club it's mandatory to go thru a probation period , have a bike and go thru the recruiter until requirements are met. As a part of being a biker you must conduct yourself as such in public and in clubs.Why it may sound easy to join it ain't and don't get it twisted this is an elite club but there still your typical one percenters so bar fights and gun play is definitley a part of there beliefs,That being said it would probably be a good idea you cross the street when you see the dogs out the fencce. SFFS



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